PTE Describe Image: All Tips and Tricks to get a high score

PTE Describe Image: All Tips and Tricks to get a high score

What is PTE academic test?

The PTE Academic test is a standardized English language test. It is designed to assess the readiness of non-native speakers. The Pearson Test of English Academic is one of the most widely used English language tests worldwide.

Overview of PTE describe Image

Describe image is one of the challenging tasks in speaking in the PTE academic test. You are required to the important information in a graph, a series of graphs, a table, a map, or a process in under 40 seconds. You are given 25 seconds to prepare. A total of six types of questions will be asked during the exam and the scoring will be based on content, oral fluency, and pronunciation.

Each describe image carries 15 marks; 5 for Content, 5 for Pronunciation, and 5 for Oral Fluency.

You will see eight different describe image question types in the test which will be

  1. Bar Graph
  2. Line Graph
  3. Table,
  4. Maps
  5. Pie Chart
  6. Flowchart diagram
  7. Venn Diagram and
  8. Pictures

What should you do in 25 seconds of preparation time?

When you look at the image, first think about it.‘‘What is the main notion conveyed by the image? ’’ and ‘‘What are the specifics related to the primary ideas?” Use your notebook to note down key ideas and phrases that relate to the main information and the explanatory details. These can be put into sentences when you start to speak.

What are some good templates for describe image in PTE?

Using a template can make your answer structured and also help you speak more consistently. While choosing the pte describe image templates make sure that it is simple and easy to remember and only contains the words which you can pronounce. Below is a template with a 4-sentence structure that you can use to describe an image in the exam.

Keep in mind the following points while using a template in describe image:

  1. Recognize the important points given in the image
  2. Speak for 25-35 seconds
  3. Do not hesitate, stop or correct yourself
  4. Remember, it is not possible to explain everything
  5. Make sure your speak loudly and clearly

The Template for Describe Image

The given diagram shows (topic). In this diagram, I can see information about (keywords). More importantly, I can also see that (key information). Overall, the diagram provides important details about (topic).

How to use the template

However, just memorizing the template is not enough. YOu should also learn to use it in the right way. Try to implement these ideas while you are practicing describe the image questions or in the exam as well.


Try to give a simple introduction by using the template above. Simply read the title or topic of the image in your introduction. This will create an overview of the image and will help you get a better score in the content.

Key idea

Consider only highlighting 1 or 2 key points. You don’t have to mention everything on the list. You can improve your score and your skill by practicing the actual exam questions on our website for free. While practicing these questions, try to see all the important information on the image as quickly as possible and make a habit of including them in your answer.


The algorithm simply needs the conclusion at the end. Your conclusion should be around 6 to 7 seconds long. Your conclusion can simply be the title of the image. You do not need to paraphrase it and use it as it is.

Sample Answer to Describe Image


The given diagram shows the percentage of students proficient in a foreign language. In this diagram, I can see information about males and females and numbers from 0 to 70. More importantly, I can also see that there is information about China, Romania, Thailand, India, Russia, and Vietnam. Overall, the diagram provides important details about the percentage of students in a foreign language.

Tips and Tricks to Describe Images

If you want to score higher on your test you have to follow some simple tips and tricks.

  1. While speaking, do not ‘um’ or ‘ur’. You will lose fluency and overall marks for doing so. Make sure you avoid grammatical errors when creating the sentence. To achieve this, stick to your template and avoid improvising your answer once you start speaking.
  2. If you want to maximize your score in pronunciation, you should speak loud and clear. It’s important to take into account the correct techniques to deal with vowels, consonants, connected sentences. It will help you pronounce each word correctly.
  3. You don’t need to speak for the whole 40 seconds. If you keep on speaking for 40 seconds, you might miss the conclusion and lose marks. Therefore, try to speak for 25-35 seconds.
  4. As soon as the introduction is complete, proceed to explain the highlighting factor in the graph. Try to speak in a natural manner so that it does not sound like you are reciting the answer from your memory or simply reading the words on the image. If you make hand gestures while speaking, it will help you to sound more natural.
  5. Do not get confused between tasks while speaking. Some students assume that they will get retell lectures and sometimes get confused. The title at the top will always tell you which question you are doing, so make a habit of checking it quickly.
  6. In order to improve your score on speaking, you should practice and be prepared with the template. Practice all of the Describe Images questions including Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Flow Chart, Table, Map, Line Chart, as well as random ones.
  7. You can also ask your friends to come over and try it out in front of them. You can ask them to score you. You can also watch videos on how to answer the questions. This is a great way to practice which will skill set you develop and get you more confident in the process.

Start practicing Describe Image

You can start your describe image pte practice for free on our website. Simply sign up for our free pte preparation plan and practice as much as you wish. Our practice questions contain images with sample answers. The preparation packages and resources we provide are designed to help test-takers test their English language skills and to ensure the best possible score on the PTE Academic test.

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